
Monday, May 28, 2012

Honoring Memorial Day

 My life, my family, my Etsy shop, this blog I have and sooo sooo much more....

I know I have all of these blessings because of our Precious Lord and Saviour. He also blessed us with the brave men and women, who gave their lives to protect these and so many more freedoms we cherish and enjoy.

For Him and for you we are grateful! May God bless the families who go on without them. May he give you peace and comfort. And know that your loved ones will never be forgotton.

Please view all the beautiful patriotic treasuries.

This Etsy treasury created by Mary Ann Lippe from smittenwithknitn

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My New Graduation Photo Jewelry/Ads or No Ads

I don't know about you, but have a love/hate relationship with "selling"!! We all know that advertising is how we let others know that we may have just what they are looking for. Right? It even lets some of us know that we may be looking for something, we didn't know we wanted until we found it.
Thus we have ads. We love them when we want what they're advertising. And hate them when we don't.

There lyes my problem with selling my creations. My own personal experience is that, nothing makes me run away faster from buying something, than when it's pushed upon me to buy it!!
As soon as I've created something, even something people have said they are really interested in, I shy away from advertising it, because of my "pushy sales worries". I do want to let others know about what I've made, but where is the line we draw from letting them know and completely turning them off any of my products because of  THE WAY  I let them know??

I do have a shop on But my promos within it are few and costly. The clients I've acquired thus far, seem very interested in my items. And I really want to let them know about the new Dads and Grads photo jewelry, before that seasonal window closes. So, how do I go about this within that tasteful range of acceptance?

How I wish I had followers who could help with this dilema. :( I feel certain that I'm talking to people just like myself, but who probably have a better idea of how they would like to be approached about something they would really like.

If you are one of those people....please.......comment, comment comment!!!!

Thanks Everyone, and have a very Blessed Memorial Day weekend! :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

For the Ones We Love and Lost

For those of you who actually have been looking for me, I am profoundly grateful! I do have so much trouble remaining faithful to my blog. But for what it's worth, I'll always try to be honest about it.

For the last couple of months, things in my life have been insane. Crazy busy trying to be everywhere at once. And that's ok, because crazy busy is my normal life.  But it's also been a sad time for our family. After recently loosing my cousin Connie to a very long battle with cancer, my family also lost my dear Aunt Kat this past Easter Sunday. She struggled to breath for such a long time with lung disease.

Both of these ladies were from two different generations and yet had a very similar, wonderful and profound impact on each life they touched. Now we rely on the gift of their presense in our lives to give us the strength we need to go on without them. They are already incredibly missed!  Sadly still, tonight, Aunt Kat's surviving husband is in the hospital as I write this. He suffered a stroke on Saturday.  He is doing better, but not yet out of the woods. But we remain hopeful and prayerful.

I do so many other things in my life, but they seem so meaningless when someone I love is sick. What once felt productive, just seems like unimportant busy work. Something to do while we wait and pray for good news.

But busy, we must be. For we cannot just sit and worry. We do no good to anyone that way. So, tonight I ask God to be with the my family members who are sick and those who tirelessly care for them. I am thinking of you and praying for you all tonight.

May God Bless you, and know that I love you all,