Did your boss ever tell you to get use to moving your cheese? Well, I had a boss who did!
" Who Moved My Cheese" is actually a motivational book, written by Spencer Johnson. If you've never read this book, you probably wouldn't know that this is not a book about cheese at all. It's about how to deal with...gulp...Change.
When I was gainfully employed, and had been on my job for about 10 years, we were introduced to our 4th office manager and soon to follow was our 4th set of new protocols. Needless to say our enthusiasm for all this continuous reworking of the same things, began to make the natives restless and irritable.
So, I decided to discuss this with her, which didn't go over very well. In fact she felt the need to enlighten us about how to "accept change" and then handed me this book entitled "Who Moved My Cheese?" And strongly advised me to read it.
Funny that she chose that particular title
because anyone who knows me, [except my new boss] knows I can't eat any kind of actual cheese food! Not that I won't.... but I physically can't keep it down. Been this way since I can remember.
Still, I find it hilarious that it has always been an issue in just about every social situation I'm ever in, regarding food. When people find out about my "dietary misfortune" they instantly go wild eyed, then for some reason want me to clarify this problem I have with cheese!
"What do you mean by you don't like cheese? Are you allergic or you just don't like it? Cheese has a right to the truth! Did your mother drop you on your head or did you just "decide" to commit this cheese hating crime against nature?"
I dunno. I just know I can't eat it. But, whenever my discrimination against cheese has to come out, people always shrug and decide that I"m just a freak of nature. However, I seem to get through life without alienating too many people over my "cheese prejudice" . Most of the people in my life accept this apparent flaw in my character and love me anyway.
But....I digress, as I often do. Which is one of the things I would like to change.
The truth about me is I don't mind change at all. I even seem to really grow and learn what I need to know and do, when things are shaken up a bit. Doing things a new way is no problem...... It's constantly changing the same things over and over for no well thought out reason or worse, trying to fix things that aren't broken or won't improve a situation, that I have a problem with.
Anyway, there is definitely room for improvement now. Including some things I would so love to change.
I have been told that if you want to change something about yourself, like bad habits or obtain good ones, and you seriously buckle down about it, that it takes various amounts of time to succeed. Some say 21 days some say 31 days, etc. I've decided 31 days is better. After all, why limit your chances right out the gate right?
So, for one entire year, I've decided to pick one good habit I'd like to acquire and work on it everyday for 31 days and blog about my progress or lack of it. I've decided, if it hasn't taken hold after 31 days, then it probably never will, and I'll move on to the next one and revisit the stubborn one later.
Which brings me to this blog....my first good habit that I hope to keep! I gave up blogging before simply because I didn't think one single person was reading it. No followers. Except my darling daughter. Thanks sweetheart!
But since then I've discovered though some research that I just have to stick with it. Even if it makes me feel silly, just talking to myself everyday :P And now that I've reopened my Etsy store, a blog would definitely not hurt ;)
So here ya go day two and another post! Go me! 29 days and counting down.
How about you? Does anyone out there want to begin a good habit or quit a bad one? You can post your beginning and I'll encourage your progress right here. Post your comments everyday about how it's going for you and we'll motivate each other.
Until then, thanks for reading and
Many Blessings to you,
~Kim K.